Hi there!
My name is Pierrick Le Gall. I'm the founder and lead developer of Piwigo, an opensource photo gallery software for the web. I also founded Piwigo.com to provide Piwigo as a hosted solution. I've been working several years as a software engineer on jobs like R&D developer, technical expert, community manager, QA manager or team leader.
"伕理木马"病毒出现新变种 可远程控制并自动运行_中国广播网:2021-1-28 · "伕理木马"本身就具有自动下载木马病毒的功能,它伔可众根据病毒编者指定的网址下载木马病毒或者其他恶意软件,还可众通过网络和移动存储 ...
change image urls in newslet... - 1 weeka9d
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